Seasons/ Weather / Simple Present
A season is a division of the year
marked by changes in weather, ecology and hours of daylight. Seasons result from the yearly orbit of the Earth around the Sun and the tilt of the Earth's rotational axis relative to the plane of the orbit.

Season vegetables and fruits calendary
Names of the clothes
Season's Song
Months and Seasons
2. Write the months of the year in the right order:
1. January 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
Do you remember the names of the seasons? They are: winter,spring,summer, fall (autumn).
1.Look at the picture and write the name of the season.
2.Choose the names of the clothes.
3.Tick when do we wear these clothes.
wintersummer summerfall springwinter fallsummer
4.Write the season when we can see these things.
5. Children play different games outside.Write what season it is.
6. Complete the sentences with the name of the season.
a. It is very hot in the ____________.
b. It is white and cold in the ________.
c. We can swim in the sea in the _________.
d. We can play snowballs in the _________.
e. There are many flowers in the garden in the _________.
f. The birds come back home in the _________.
7.Find the words.Seasons and clothes.
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Heidy Saavedra